Story Time

“The stories we tell literally make the world. If you want to change the world, you need to change your story.”

~ Michael Margolis ~

These stories are not just any kind of story. Oh no! They are a guided, multi-dimensional, magical interactive healing journey and experience, which will profoundly open you up to your own healing process and personal archetypes, as well as to the alchemical magic and manifestation of your future timelines and own soul’s true heart’s desire for this life.

These interactive stories have been cocreated with my benevolent spiritual and multi-dimensional healing team of unconditional love and light, in order to serve you within your own soul’s healing and ascension process. Their aim is to help you to clear out anything within you which no longer serves your soul’s highest growth, as well as heal and raise your frequency and vibration. This in effect will help to elevate your consciousness so that it can more easily achieve a vibrational resonance which is in closer alignment with your soul’s highest potentiality and path. The beauty of this healing not only becomes the magical adventure of the story, but the reality of your own life!

Before listening to these healing stories it’s important to allow yourself to be in a relaxed environment where there are no distractions. Set a sincere intention for what you wish to receive from this healing, call in whom ever you personally connect with (e.g. Spirit, Source, God, Mother Earth, Mother Mary, Yeshua/Jesus, Buddha, the angels, your spirit guides or love and light, etc.), and ask for them to also be present with you for this healing. Allow yourself to be relaxed, open to whatever healing your soul is ready for and wishes to receive, and surrender to the process without any expectations. All healing is conducted for the highest and greatest good of all involved.

Fully relax, and surrender into opening of your imagination, curiosity, wonder and awe. Imagine yourself as the main character of the story, whilst allowing yourself to play. Be open to the unfolding flow of your intuitive creation, and let the magic of your story begin…

Please ensure that you drink lots of water, allow for sufficient time to rest, and connect with nature as much as you can within the following few days after engaging with these healing stories. This will help to assist with the energetic and emotional detoxification process, so that your multi-dimensional bodies and energetic system can fully integrate the healing, manifestations and higher light frequencies. This will also help to accelerate the dismantling and dissolving of old structures and energies, which will enable a re-balancing and new realignment to take shape within your energetic field. For assistance with the integration and grounding process, please feel free to utilise my free healing tools to help gently support your healing journey.

If you wish for further assistance and guidance upon your personal healing journey, please feel free to contact me to book a consultation or healing session on 07943 909 408 or email me at

If you have enjoyed and feel that you have benefited from any of these healing stories and would like to make a contribution, please feel free to donate by clicking on the button below: