“I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul.”
~ Rumi ~
I offer various shamanic sessions for individuals who wish to engage with their healing and personal development in a more practical, exploratory and experiential way. I work with various techniques which include shamanic ceremony, journeying to find a power animal, shamanic journeying, soul retrieval and working with the medicine wheel. These techniques help individuals explore the depths of their unconscious and the ‘other worlds’, which from a shamanic perspective are believed to co-exist alongside the physical world in which we live.
Power Animal
Retrieval of a power animal is a prerequisite to the onset of any additional shamanic journeying work. Power animals are seen as ‘spirit allies’ which help to provide the individual with protection, wisdom and guidance on their personal journey.
The animal which presents itself to each individual will be personally meaningful to the qualities, strengths and needs which you require within your life, or at this point in your journey. Some power animals can accompany us throughout our lives. Whereas others may come to us for part of our journey, when we require the assistance of their qualities, which can be called upon when they are needed in our lives.
For example, we may find that an eagle appears to us, which may signify our need to view our life from all angels and perspectives. The eagle may make us aware of the narrow perspective which we have within our lives, challenge us to view our life from a higher perspective, or simply enable us to recognise the ways in which we limit our freedom.
The meaning of each power animal is, however, very personal to your own individual life and needs. Reflection and integration work can help you to develop this connection with your power animal, which will enable personal meaning of its metaphor to be elaborated and integrated within your being over time.
Shamanic Journeying
Shamanic journeying occurs initially through actively engaging the imagination, whilst the brain is in a theta brain wave or light trance state. This is achieved through shamanic drumming. Within the shamanic tradition, there is a belief that shamanic journeying enables us to gain access to wisdom and knowledge which resides within the ‘unseen worlds’ of Spirit (namely the ‘upper’ and ‘lower’ worlds).
This work is conducted with a sincere intention to gain further knowledge, wisdom or information which is required for a particular issue which you are confronted with in your life. This may range from the mere need to access one’s creativity in order to engage in one’s life or work, or gain knowledge which can help to guide you in making decisions and choices which need to be addressed within your own healing or life.
Soul Retrieval
Within this work, you will have an opportunity to participate in shamanic journeying, with an intention to retrieve aspects of your soul which had been ‘split-off’ during periods of crisis within your life.
It is believed that at the point of crisis, parts of our soul retreat into hiding in order to survive. Retrieval of these ‘lost parts’ enable us to gain access to qualities which lay dormant and were previously inaccessible, prior to the soul retrieval. This may include our creativity, joy, confidence, strength, empowerment, enthusiasm and faith, amongst many others which will be personal and meaningful to the individual.
Further integration work will also provide you with the reflective space, and give you access to tools and techniques which you can engage with, in order for these retrieved aspects of soul to be further worked with and integrated within your own being over time.
Medicine Wheel
The medicine wheel helps individuals learn how to develop and trust their own intuition and internal guidance. It will teach you how to engage your intuitive guidance, in order for you to be able to connect with the knowledge and wisdom which is communicated via your Higher Self.
Use of this technique can enable you to explore the intuitive answers to personal questions which you have about your life. For example, decisions in your life which leave you feeling stagnated, ambivalent or challenged.
In addition to this more practical work, I will also help guide you to reflect upon, find meaning and process the material which you had retrieved in your shamanic session. This will enable the work to be reintegrated into your being, enabling you to engage in your life in more fulfilling, meaningful and empowering ways.
Please note that if you wish to engage in shamanic journeying work and do not already have access to your power animal, you will require a ‘Power Animal’ shamanic session before further shamanic work can progress. This is important in order for your own protection, and to maintain the integrity of the work.
If you wish to contact me to book a shamanic session or further discuss your individual needs, please feel free to contact me on 07943 909 408 or email me at contact@stephpsychotherapy.com.