“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro’ narrow chinks of his cavern.”
~ William Blake ~
Designed to energetically engage and heal your internal world, these packages will not only help you start manifesting the external state of being which you would like to start seeing, but also enable you to really start living, the life that you’ve always been dreaming. Dare to turn your dreams into reality?
Healing Pick ‘n’ Mix (£555)
The ‘Healing Pick ‘n’ Mix’ package provides you with the option to create your very own ‘pick ‘n’ mix’, of up to seven (30 min) healing sessions of your choice. Whatever tickles your taste buds! Each package can be tailored to meet your individual healing needs or simply chosen to engage with the healing adventure of life! Services offered with this package include soul healing, multi-dimensional healing, psychotherapy sessions, shamanic sessions, intensive integration, light body integration, energy healing, ascension healing, addiction healing and ancestral healing (offer excludes experiential integration workshops, and more than one ancestral healing and light body integration session).
Doors of Perception (£444)
The ‘Doors of Perception’ package will engage your curiosity into the mystical adventure of the unknown. Do you dare to open the door, and venture into the mystical labyrinth of life? Explore the unseen hidden worlds, which ignite the imagination, engage your creation and leave you curious and in awe about the inspired mystery and wonderland of life? This package will provide you with one light body integration session, one multi-dimensional healing, one shamanic session, plus two other services, which include soul healing, intensive integration, psychotherapy sessions, shamanic sessions, energy healing or addiction healing. Each session will last for 30 mins.
Manifestation Creation (£333)
The ‘Manifestation Creation’ package will help you engage with your own healing, so that you can elevate and align your energy, in order to manifest your soul’s true purpose, and co-create with the Divine. This package will provide you with one light body integration session and one intensive integration session, plus two other services, which include psychotherapy sessions, energy healing, shamanic sessions or addiction healing. Each session will last for 30 mins.
Ascension Elevation (£222)
The ‘Ascension Elevation’ package will be individually tailored, to help you kick start or progress to the next level of your ascension journey. This package will provide you with one ascension healing and one light body integration session, plus one other service, which include psychotherapy sessions, energy healing or addiction healing. Each session will last for 30 mins.
Energy Boost (£111)
The ‘Energy Boost’ package will aim to realign your energy centers, and raise your vibration to the next level. This package will provide you with one light body integration session (30 mins) and one energy healing session (30 mins).
To order a healing package, please feel free to contact me on 07943 909 408 or at contact@stephpsychotherapy.com.
*Each voucher will be valid for 12 months (from the date of purchase). All services must be pre-booked in advance, and used within the validation period.